Psychogeriatric and Mental Health care

Our psychiatric and mental health care units provide comprehensive and specialist care both for people with mental health disorders and for their families, offering medical treatment, psychotherapy, psycho-social rehabilitation, and support for social integration.

We provide ongoing care through each of the phases of illness, from prevention, to serious crises, to chronicity. Our aim is to help people with mental health problems to resume their life projects with dignity and maintain an adequate quality of life.

To do so, we offer various options, such as short-, medium- or long-term hospitalisation, day-care, outpatient care, and home-based care, as well as intermediate day-care and residential options for people with long-term illnesses or who require a greater level of community support, and the promotion of integration into the workplace. Lastly, we have special mechanisms in place for treating certain pathologies, such as our Therapeutic Community for people with personality disorders.

Psychogeriatric care and Sociosanitary scope

A social-healthcare service that provides integral care for elderly people suffering from multiple pathologies, functional or cognitive impairment and/or behavioural alterations.

It offers two types of care: Residential and Day Care.

Learning disabilities

These Centres are equipped with the special medical and technical resources necessary to enable us to maximise abilities and skills development in people with learning disabilities, always adapted to the individual’s specific age and requirements.

They provide the following kinds of support:

  • integration
  • rehabilitation
  • occupational-employment
  • residential

Brain damage

Multidisciplinary units for the neuro-rehabilitation of patients with brain damage caused by head injuries, strokes and other causes, through neuro-psychological and speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and other related medical treatments. Our aim is to teach our patients a “new way of living” in physical, mental, social and family terms.


Palliative care

These units are devoted to patients in advanced-terminal phases of illness, who require specialised care that includes both the control of physical symptoms and the psychological, social and spiritual support that is necessary in order to minimise the suffering of both patients and their families.

General medicine

Our general hospitals are  equipped with hospital beds, operating theatres and outpatient care apparatus (A&E, external appointments, day hospital posts, MAS boxes, physical rehab gyms…) for diagnosis and treatment, as well as central services (laboratories, diagnostic imaging, etc.) to support our healthcare activities, with varying service portfolios depending on their social and geographic environment.

They offer a wide range of medical-surgical specialities and specialist units and are also involved in teaching and research activities.


In order to offer human and personalized care, Sisters Hospitallers promotes and manages educational centres in different countries, adapted to the needs and expectations of users and their families. Always aligned with the hospital values, which define our Institution.

Other areas

To promote the hospital mission, we develop other areas of care, with the aim of promoting solidarity, social transformation and access to social health services for the neediest people.

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