Did you know that according to our Constitutions the Sisters Hospitallers are summoned to deliver healing, liberating gospel?

My name is Ana María Domene and I am a Sister Hospitaller from the Province of Spain, of Sister Hospitallers, in Betanzos (Galicia). I currently fulfil my role with functionally diverse individuals at the centre located in this Galician city.  

Charismatic richness

As a Sister Hospitaller, the opportunity to work on the Constitutional review has been a time of grace. I have been able to delve deeper into our charismatic richness and find the light of spiritual heritage and the Magisterium of the Church. I have rediscovered the movement of the Spirit as the engine that shapes, transforms, drives, and commits us, while strengthening the communal prayer that enhances our discernment and ensuring this is the correct path, closest to God’s will. I have immersed myself in the depths of spirituality, rediscovering its roots, firmly embedded in the Trinitarian mystery, and revealing the participation of the Trinity as they grow. We must trust and surrender ourselves to them for this process to become what it must be.

Every dossier has been a gift. On a personal level, they have led me to peer inward and realise that all is gift and grace. I expect much from this process; I want it to reveal the path of God in our congregational history, in our present and future. We answer the call to perform a mission. The Church hopes that, as consecrated women, we will serve as living memories through our lives and through the emulation of Jesus the Good Samaritan. Let us not forget that which our Founders instilled in us by example: to be like mothers.

Read more of the Costitutional Review

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