In all the socio-assistance centers of Sisters Hospitallers around the world, OUR PROFESSIONALS work incessantly to care for and protect the people we serve, always aligned with the regulations of the health authorities in different countries and specific to our Institution .

There are numerous samples of professional quality, dedication, courage, humanity … in short, HOSPITALITY, from each of our collaborators, who work tirelessly from their scope of action. Every day they show us the essentials of their vocation. YOU ARE HEROES AGAINST THE CORONAVIRUS!

In addition, you fill us with strength and hope by repeating to us what #EverythingGood. As shown in this video made by the Benito Menni Healthcare Complex, of Sisters Hospitallers in Ciempozuelos (Madrid, Spain). From our Mother House they give us strength to keep going. THANKS A LOT! #EsteVirusLoParamosUnidos

Marketing Digital. Este proyecto ha sido desarrollado por Grupo Enfoca: Diseño web Alicante